Improve the Confidence and Marks of All Your Students...For Less Than $2 per Student
- A comprehensive Maths and English tutoring package that assists your students with their studies at all the times you can't help them
- Conversational yet thorough treatments of all the Maths and English topics, which reinforce what is taught in class from a student perspective.
- An unlimited school license, allowing installation of the Complete School package on school and home computers, as well as a hardcopy version of the package for the school library.
Schools and teachers face many challenges in today's education system. Teachers are given the task of transferring a huge amount of knowledge to their students, but are given larger classes and less time to do so. Schools face dwindling resource problems yet are still expected to produce results in the form of their students' academic grades.
Schools and teachers do their best with what they are given. Some hold extra tutoring sessions during lunch or after school. Others write and photocopy study sheets for their students. But there's a limit to what they can do. Many students inevitably get left behind.
"You have given me new found energy to wake up in the morning and go to school" ...Michael, student

Hi, my name is Michael Milford, and through my educational products I've helped thousands of students with their studies since I finished school in 1998. I'm 25 years old and run my own educational publishing business developing effective and affordable study aids for students.
I started writing educational books when I was 18, when many students were still finishing high school. My first book received rave reviews from students and even outsold J. K. Rowling and Dan Brown in some bookstores, and went on to sell more than 4000 copies without any paid advertising.

Since then, I've become a fairly unique expert on providing educational assistance for students outside of class. I have the advantage of being young enough to still vividly remember what it was like going through school, both for myself and my classmates, combined with the academic experience and skills that allowed me to obtain my PhD at the age of 24. You can read more about me here. or click the picture on the right to read about Complete School in the media
Since my first book I have received countless requests from students for a complete school survival kit that they could use whenever they were struggling. So I developed a comprehensive Maths and English tutoring package for all of high school. It's called Complete School. An unlimited Complete School license is the easiest and most affordable way to increase the confidence, grades, and happiness of students at your school.
Complete School gives your students an effective learning resource that complements what is taught in class and maximizes the effect of their schooling. It includes:
- Fully illustrated easy to understand explanations of hundreds of topics
- Detailed questions with fully worked solutions
- Handy hints highlighting common mistakes to avoid and clever time saving and grade improving tips and tricks
- Techniques for approaching every type of assessment
- Video tutorials for Maths, Microsoft Word, and Internet research
A Complete School license allows you and your students to install Complete School on as many computers at school and home as you want, as well as a full hardcopy version of the package for your library. Installation on a computer takes only a few seconds. This means that every student at your school gets access to the following on any computers at home and at school:
Junior Mathematics e-book (594 pages)
.pdf format
16 video lessons (2 hrs 11 minutes)
Watch in browser
Watch .avi movie file in media player program
English and Senior Mathematics e-book (583 pages)
.pdf format
Math Formula Poster
.pdf format
plus access at school to the hardcopy version:

Try Complete School for free right now
You can try a fully functional demo version of Complete School on your computer. Just click on the picture below to download the installer file.

Or take a virtual tour through Complete School here.
"Your book is easy to follow and explains what my teachers don't... now I have gone from a C+ to a A- for extended Maths. Even my teachers are asking me about your book!" ...Tara, student
The cost of a Complete School license is simply based on the size of your school - the number of students in grades 7 to 12. To work out the price, just round up the number of students to the nearest 100, and use the simple formula below.
Price = $197 + $1.87 x number of students
The following table shows some example prices:
School with 70 students |
$197 + $1.87 x 100 = $384 |
School with 340 students |
$197 + $1.87 x 400 = $945 |
School with 680 students |
$197 + $1.87 x 700 = $1506 |
School with 1600 students |
$197 + $1.87 x 1600 = $3189 (less than $2 per student) |
Prices include postage and handling, and GST within Australia.
Order a Complete School license is easy. Schools can order using the following form, which you can return by post, fax, or e-mail:
Order form (.pdf format, download Adobe Reader if you don't have it)
International schools can convert the amounts to Australian dollars using the current exchange rate, which can be calculated here. Payment must be made upfront, using PayPal (you need to enter the amount you calculate into the price box):
You can pay with either a credit card or a PayPal account, and some debit cards. Please note all school sizes are checked during a purchase. You can also deposit money directly into my bank account:
Bank: Commonwealth Bank (Australia)
Name: Michael Milford
BSB: 064141
Account Number: 00703859
Comments from Students, Parents, Tutors, and Teachers
Here are some comments from customers who have purchased Complete School or my other educational products:
- Michael, student: "I have been struggling in maths all my life as I missed out on the basics in primary school as a result of changing schools. I would like to take this time just too sincerely thankyou for going out of your way to produce something (Complete School) that has and will help people, like myself, who have been struggling. You have given me new found energy to wake up in the morning and go to school and maths in particular. Thankyou."
- Tara, student: "Thankyou so much for showing me an easier way to understand Algebra and Trig, your book (Complete School) is easy to follow and explains what my teachers don't , I was struggling to understand and asking my teachers got me no where, my mum got your CD and Book and now I have gone from a C+ to a A- for extended Maths. Even my Teachers are asking me about your book.!...a big Thankyou"
- Rossco, father: "Excellent 2 eldest are very impressed with the content."
- Harald, father: "Complete School is fantastic... it was very helpful and I also enjoyed it as well."
- Laura, student: "The book was great reading, I loved how it all sounded so simple. It helped me a lot...I also purchased your physics book and it is also fantastic..."
- Simon, teacher: "I was searching for ways to present trigonometry to my students... I remember the struggle I had to absorb the subject at school, and when I read your explanation, I knew it would be useful to help them understand..."
- David, student: "I recently purchased both of your books and I just wanted to say how much help they have been to me in such a small amount of time. I am currently in year 12 and last year I failed physics and only barely passed Math B. this year I think with the help of your books I can get a high in math B and at least pass physics I already grasp from your books 2 of the sections I failed last year."
- Belinda, student: "I recently purchased your book and absolutely love it. I don't know what I would have done without it. I only wish that I had it last year in Year 11."
- Julie, mother: "I have two of your books for my children in Year 9 and 10. Not a C Minus and Painless Physics...Your books are fantastic."
- David, teacher: "...great idea...has a conversational style about it, not impersonal like many textbooks."
- Chris, tutor: "...I recently bought a copy of your book ('Not a C-') for my younger brother...I was thinking of recommending it to the head of maths at . As I also tutor there I will also recommend your books to my students, although it may put some of my colleagues out of a job! When do you hope to release your junior maths book? Well, congratulations on some fine publications..."
- Steve, teacher: "I have to say I did enjoy the bits of the algebra chapters I read, and found them easy to follow, and understandable."
- Catherine, student: "A few months ago I purchased your book 'Not a C minus' and it has been a great help with my maths B..."
- Doug, student: "I have been having trouble with my mathematics I am a year 11 student...I would like to improve my marks dramatically I bought your book not a c minus and its taught me some basic tips I needed to know for maths."
- Debbie, mother: "We have had Not a C Minus for this term (my son is in Year 11 and doing Maths B) and have found the book very useful..."
- Joey, student: "I have your book Not a C minus and am finding it to be enormously helpful in my study of the subject."
- Chris, student: "...after getting your surviving Maths B book, my teacher asked if I could get a copy of the order form to photo-copy and make it so that it was known and available to the senior maths B students... even the head of the maths department is encouraging that this book should be taken advantage of by all the maths B students. P.S. - Thank you for making maths a hell of a lot more bloody easy!, LOL"
- Debbie, student: "I would just like to thank you for writing the terrific book, "Not a C Minus". The book explains things better than my Maths B teacher does and it is exactly what I need to get me through the otherwise dreaded Maths exams."
- Kristiana, student: "My name is Kristiana... My mum recently bought your book hearing that it was the latest fad and that it would help me etc. Me, being the stubborn person I am said yeah, whatever. However, today I am having problems graphing polynomials so I decided to check out what your book had on offer. It is pretty good...pretty damn good actually-good on ya mate."
- Lauren, student: "I just want to say that your book Not A C Minus is awesome and so helpful! I am in grade 10 this year and I have to chose subjects for grades 11 and 12... Your book has shown what it's all about and it's helped me to decide the maths subjects..."